
For general rules of the tournament please visit -

Overwatch Specific Rules 


Lobby settings - Lobby Code - 

  • Competitive rules: On
  • Kill cam: Disabled
  • Skins: Disabled

Map Pick/ban

First to 3 maps game modes will be played in the following order with the team on the left of the match choosing the map in the first game and the team on the right choosing the starting side. In subsequent games, the loser of the previous map chooses the next map and the winning team chooses the side.

Control: Busan, Oasis, Nepal, Samoa
Hybrid: Eichenwald, Paradiso, Midtown, Hollywood
Escort: Junkertown, Route 66, Rialto, Shambali Monastery
Push: Colosseo, Esperanca, New Queen Street
Flashpoint: New Junk City, Suravasa