Banned Skins

Banned Skins

- All Victorious skins
- Black Alistar
- Silver Kayle
- Young Ryze
- Rusty Blitzcrank
- UFO Corki
- King Rammus
- Pax Twisted Fate
- Pax Jax
- Pax Sivir (the older one, not the neo version)
- Urfwick (the 2010 one, the old one have a little crawn on WW head that the new one doesn't have)
- Riot Singed
- Judgment Kayle
- Championship Riven (the 2012 one, the skins have a crown on Riven's head that the 2016 one doesn't have)
- Blackfrost Anivia (the skills sprites seem smaller)
- Ghot Annie (hard to see her Q)
- Mecha Aurelion Sol (the Aurelion's W stars are too hard to see and other skill sprits seens to explosive and hard to seen too)
- Dragonwing Corki (very hard to see Q and E)
- Pulsefire Ezreal (Q, W and ult too hard to see)
- Arcade Ezreal (sounds and skills too diferent from other Ezreal skins)
- All Super Galaxy skins (those skins have a lot animations and stuff and can disturb the game)
- Fuzz Fizz and Prestige Fuzz Fizz (all aniamtions hard to be seen)
- Vandal Gragas (barrel looks smaller and have a bug on his E)
- Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger (change the champion a lot and have a visual problem with one of his animations)
- Forsaken Jayce (too simple sprites, hard to see)
- Dark Star Karma (hard too see the sprites, they don't change as the should when the ult is activated)
- Pentakill Kayle (sounds too diferent and annoying and the skin is also too bright)
- Infernal Kennen (hard to see almost all skills)
- Lion Dance Kog'Maw (hard too see almost all skills)
- Battlecast Kog'Maw (hard too see almost all skills)
- Hextec Kog'Maw (the skin is too blue and brigth, very hard too see on the river)
- Elementalist Lux (very different animations)
- Ironside Malphite (when he loses his passive the visual alterion is too simple)
- The old Battle Boss skins (too bright and hard to see. Yasuo, Qiyana, Blitz and Brand are allowed)
- Astronatilus (too hard to see his E)
- Winter Wonder Neeko (hard too see her E)
- Headhunter Nidalee (her javelin looks too slim)
- Challenger Nidalee (hard too see the sprites, the skin is too pink)
- Zombie Nunu & Willump (his W is too different)
- Sweetheart Rakan (all the skills are too different, hard to see)
- Pool party Renekton and Rek'Sai (Rek'Sai gets too hard too see when the map becomes changed by Ocean Dragon and Renekton is hard to see his skills)
- Mecha Rengar (AA too different)
- Masked Shaco (hard to see his Q)
- Boneclaw Shyvana (too simple, make it hard too be seen)
- Darkflame Shyvana (skin is too bright, makes it hard too be seen)
- Huntress Sivir (hard too see sprites)
- Dj Sona (hard too see sprites)
- Justicar Syndra, Atlantean Syndra, Queen of Diamonds Syndra, Star Guardian Syndra and Snow Day Syndra (all the five skins have a bug that make her Q get invisible sometimes)
- Pool Party Syndra (the fps has dropping)
- Arclight Varus (very hard to se his ult)
- Death Sworn Viktor and Creator Viktor (hard to see everthing)
- Soulstealer Vladimir, Dark Waters Vladimir, Nightbringer Vladimir (all those are hard to see the sprites)


Any other skins not listed are avaliable to use.