
There are 14 teams signed up for this tournament, 14 teams have the correct number of players.

Name Tag Seeding
Wales AC_RedLac ac_redla -
Wales Aiphahouse88 aiphahou -
Wales EyEzNoZe eyeznoze -
Wales GazzaFIFA79 gazzafif -
Wales IMJUSTHARRY imjustha -
Wales Jenks jenks -
Wales JLozzy jlozzy -
Wales MumfordPlayZz mumfordp -
Wales nickbatt054 nickbatt -
Wales OHH_Shif ohh_shif -
Wales OJJonesy ojjonesy -
Wales Pacman_10 pacman_1 -
Wales RobsonEvans robsonev -
Wales xKaiHarris xkaiharr -